1. This Competition is organised by Queenspark Proprietary Limited (Registration no: 2001/022975/07) (“Queenspark”) and RCS Cards Proprietary Limited (“RCS”) (Registration no: 2000/017891/07 / NCRCP38/FSP 44481) (the “Promoter”).
  2. All persons participating in the Queenspark Store Account Win a Shopping Spree Campaign Promotional Competition (“the Competition”) (“the participants”) agree that the Competition rules as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on the Queenspark website.
  3. Competition Period: The Competition commences on 1 September 2023 and will terminate at 23:59 on 31 October 2023.
  4. Competition qualifying criteria:
  • The participant must provide correct and full personal and contact details, as required on the application;
  • New customers must apply for and be approved for a Queenspark Store Account, spend R1000 or more online at queenspark.com or in-store with their store account during the competition period
  • Existing Queenspark Store Account customers must spend R1000 or online at queenspark.com or in-store with their store account during the Competition Period;
  • Participants must be a natural person and aged 18 (eighteen) years or older and be a resident in South Africa;
  • Participants must be in good credit standing.
  1. Competition: New or existing customers who spend R1 000 or more online or in-store with their Queenspark Store Account will automatically be entered into a draw to win 1 OF 3 R5 000 vouchers.
  2. Prize: 1 of 3 R5 000 Queenspark fashion vouchers.  

All eligible customers who comply with the entry requirements for this Competition will automatically be entered into the draw and stand a chance to win the prize. There will be a total of 3 (three) winners to this Competition. Winners will be selected at random from the list of approved applications submitted during the Competition Period. No person may win more than one prize in this Competition. The Competition is valid for online and in-store applications.

The three winners are to be chosen by 30 November 2023.

  1. Competition fulfilment:
  • RCS will contact winners telephonically or via email using the contact details on the RCS database system recorded against the selected Queenspark Store Account number.
  • Winners will need to share a copy of their ID and Queenspark Store Card with RCS in order to redeem their prize.
  • Queenspark vouchers will be issued to winners at a Queenspark store by a Queenspark employee.
  1. General:
  • The Promoter shall conduct the Competition, and the Promoters’ decision on any matter related to the Competition, including the selection of participants is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Individuals ineligible to participate in the Competition: RCS Group and Queenspark employees, partners, directors, members, agents and consultants of RCS, as well as their spouses, life partners, children, siblings, business partners and associates will not be eligible to participate in this Competition.
  • Disclaimer: RCS, Queenspark, its associated companies, agents and service providers/co-promoters involved in the Competition assumes no liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss, damage, death, personal injuries, defamation, and/or any other claims arising in connection with this Competition.
  • System Failure: RCS will not be responsible for lost, delayed and/or misdirected electronic messages, internet or computer malfunctions, errors in transmission or any condition beyond control of RCS which may cause the entry into the Competition to be disrupted or corrupted.
  • Cancellation: RCS reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, extend or suspend the Competition at any time. If so, and to the extent permitted by law, all participants agree to waive any rights that they may have in terms of the Competition and acknowledge that they have no recourse in such event against RCS, its associated companies, employees, agents, partners, suppliers, sponsors and/or co-promoter.
  • The participant understands and accepts that, during its engagement with Queenspark and RCS, the Promoters may collect and process personally identifiable information about the participant to allow the participant entry to be credited automatically with the Competition. Such processing of information will be in line with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (“POPIA”).
  • The Competition Terms and Conditions are available for download on the Queenspark website and in Queenspark Stores.
  • The Competition, these rules and any dispute arising thereto shall be interpreted and subject to South African law. The South African courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any disputes arising out of the application of these rules and/or in respect of the Competition.
  • By participating in the Competition, entrants agree to indemnify Queenspark and RCS Group and release and hold Queenspark and RCS Group harmless against any and all losses, damages (direct, indirect and consequential) rights, claims and actions of any kind in connection with the Competition or resulting from acceptance and participation in the Competition including, without limitation, breach of the terms set out above, personal injuries, death, and property damage, and claims based on publicity rights, defamation or invasion of privacy.
  • This Competition shall comply with, and will be subject to, any peremptory provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (“CPA”) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, which are deemed to be incorporated herein (“Premptory Provisions”). In the event of any conflict between these rules and the Premptory Provisions, the latter shall prevail. Copies of the CPA and the regulations promulgated thereunder are available on the Department of Trade and Industry Website: dti.gov.za.
  • Any provision of these rules or the Competition which is held to be invalid or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceable without invalidating or rendering unenforceable the remaining provisions thereof.